The Little Engine That Could
Its message simple and powerfull: to believe in our selves, to take a chance, to believe that we can, to always be kind and let what we...

The Colors of Us
I looked allot for a book that I liked that celebrates diversity. I choose this one because I liked that it celebrates the different skin...

We’re All Wonders
If we look past our differences - we see the magic that we are all wonders. Each in our own unique way. We're all wonders tells the story...

Pink is For Boys
This book celebrates the beautify of all the colors for everyone boys and girls alike. I choose this book inspired by my son Yahli whos...

How Full is Your Bucket? For Kids
One of my kids favorite books, all 3 love it !!! . It beautifully illustrates through Felix's daily events at home with his family and in...

Willow Finds a Way
Kristabelle is the class's queen and a bully. Everyone has to do what she says or else - they will be crossed off the list for her...

My Two Blankets
I think this story is especially relevant today with so many refugees fleeing their homeland for a better life. My two blankets tells...

The Invisible Boy
Brain is always excluded. He is timid and shy and escapes to what he loves to do best- drawing. Until a new Korean boy comes to class...

Finding my inner hero
We all need heroes to inspire us to be the best selves we can be. As adults we call them role models, as kids we call them heroes. An...

Wimberley Worried
If you have a sensitive kid who worries allot there is a good chance he\she will relate with Wimberley. Wimberlry worries allot, about...